Best Of Annecy
Best Of Annecy 2023 - Short Film Collection
Watch Closely, dir. collective, GOBELINS Image School
Persona, dir. Sujin MOON (Pictured - Watch trailer)
Terra incognita, dir. Pernille KJAER and Adrian DEXTER (Watch trailer), Festival Connexion Award
The Record, dir. Jonathan LASKAR (Watch interview), "Jean-Luc Xiberras" First Film Award
Steakhouse, dir. Spela CADEZ (Watch trailer), Jury Award
Of Wood, de Owen KLATTE (Interview d'Owen KLATTE)
Anxious Body, dir. Yoriko MIZUSHIRI (Watch trailer), Honourable Mention for “perfect execution of animation”
Amok, dir. Balazs TURAI (Watch trailer), Cristal Award, “France TV” Short Film Award
Brisbane Screening: Sunday 4th December, 2pm, Griffith Film School
Adelaide Screening: Tuesday 26th September, 2pm, Flinders University
Sydney Screening: Sunday 4th December, 2pm, Palace Central